Shopper Solutions
Decision making can often be a confusing and stressful experience, due to the number of products on shelf, lack of clear categorisation and general absence of product information.
These frustrations can result in lost sales or lead to shoppers relying heavily on price/promotions as indicators of quality / value which in the process destroys category value.
The good news is, we can help you turn this around.
Our shopper solutions are designed to GROW category value to the benefit of all, that’s retailers, brands and shoppers alike. We identify the levers most associated with driving incremental category spend and tell you how to flex them to optimal advantage. In one category this amounted to a potential increase in shopper spend of over 30%.
Not a bad little case to take to the trade.
Get on the right side of opportunity cost and capture future revenue streams.

We’re ready and waiting to discuss your Research & Analytics needs so get in touch and let us help you find your headroom…
+44 1252 821718